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​Regency Academy
Thurrock & Canvey Island


Gymnastics & Acro in association with BATD
British Association Teachers of Dancing

Teaching children age 2-16yrs
building strength, improving posture, and maintaing childrens flexability.

BATD Exams
Gymnatics & Acro Dance
all children have the opportunity to take part in exams, although they are optional.

We follow a educational but fun syllabus, from the British Assoction. (BATD)
We are Qulaifed, CRB checked, insured regulated teachers
All safe excersises and floor work, achieving tricks and all gymnastics styles.
Children are awards with trophies when they are able to show the tricks to the coach.
Acro dance works well with the children that also dance at our school, Acro dance is learning to dance and incorporate tricks, these students attend competitions and festivals, competing agaisnt other children and schools.

Class Times
Tuesdays @ Canvey Island
6.30-7.15pm -6-10yrs
Wednesadys @ LInford (St Francis Hall)
4-4.45pm 3-5yrs
5-5.45pm 6-8yrs
6-6.45pm 9yrs plus
Fridatys @ East Tilbury Village hall
6.30-7.15pm 6-10yrs
7.15-7.45pm Competitions Advance class

Shows and Presentations
We have annual shows and presenations at the local theatres, all students take part to show family and freinds what they have been learning.

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